
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

HTC One "Plain" Being Prepared

HTC One getting lots of compliments from the Sense UI 5. Through the UI, HTC managed to overhaul the total look of Android it uses a much simpler but still elegant and harmonious. But, for those who do not like the look, HTC is reportedly preparing One version of "plain", similar to what Google doing with the Galaxy S4.

Later on, HTC is not running under the operating system Sense 5, but Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean "plain" without any additions. This information is disclosed by a source directly to Holly Russell, author of Geek website. Previously, Holly managed to guess correctly, the presence of Google Edition Galaxy S4 before the announcement at the event Google I / O.

Holly reveals, for the first, this product will be sold in the U.S., just like the Galaxy S4 Google Edition. Based on this information, predict HTC will be sold through Google Play Store. The device is also said to be no longer present in the market. Reportedly, one to two weeks, this device already on sale. The price is not yet known.

If the news is true, the treatment received by HTC will not differ much from the Galaxy S4. In the event Google I / O, Googgle launch the Galaxy S4 is not equipped with Samsung TouchWiz user interface.

Its other features are on-board storage and 16GB unlocked bootloader, which facilitates the development of Android applications. For your information, Google released the Galaxy S4 "plain" is for the developer usage only. The device is priced at 649 U.S. dollars. For a while, this product is only sold in the U.S..


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