
Sunday, August 4, 2013

Tizen OS 2.2 Delivers Improved UI and Support with Back and Menu Button

After being rumored to be discontinued, the project Tizen OS from Samsung and Intel was still being actively developed to date. Last week Samsung has released Tizen SDK version 2.2 which brings a number of improvements in the user interface and experience.

Changes to the existing interface on the status bar sector. Previously the status bar at the Tizen OS is less informative. In the old interface there is only time and battery information in the middle. In the new interface and the battery indicator signal has been moved to the left and right corner of the screen to the other indicators (notification) will appear in the center and can be expanded if necessary. The battery indicator is also better than before.

Biggest changes is the physical presence of support for back and menu buttons. With the support of the physical buttons are the two buttons do not need to be present at the interface on the screen that will narrow the appearance of the contents of the screen and makes viewing less attractive.

Other changes include an increase in icons such as slider on / off at certain menus such as WiFi and Flight Mode. And some other interface improvements. In addition to these changes there is still more improvement is presented on Tizen 2.2. It is interesting to look forward to debut the first Tizen devices on the market which will be available from next year.


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