
Saturday, August 3, 2013

iPad Mini Retina with Multiple Colour Option Confirmed Release This Year

Some time ago, there were reports that reveal that Apple is currently testing a Mini iPad 2 that uses the A6 processor, but do not use the Retina display. Hearing the news of course a lot of Teknokerz who feel disappointed. But a newly emerging news from The Wall Street Journal, claiming that the iPad Mini with Retina remains will be released to the market this year.

WSJ revealed that several sources who know about the presence of Retina iPad Mini today reveals that Apple's suppliers are preparing to produce the second-generation tablet. The release of Retina iPad Mini is expected to occur do Q4 2013, which will bring high-resolution screen made ​​by Samsung. The same report also revealed that the iPad Mini 2 will offer a wide selection of colors different from the previous generation, will be offered the possibility of a similar color to the color of the iPod Touch.


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