
Monday, March 25, 2013

HTC Will Be Design The Unique Tablet

In May of 2011, the HTC had participated in the tablet wars, but at the time, the Taiwanese company must recognize the benefits of tablet products the other competitors such as Samsung and Apple. As reported, many tablet users are not so interested in the HTC tablet called the Flyer and the Jetstream. However, this time HTC want to try once more into the realm of tablets by making the products according, HTC tablet until now have not been able to be a competitor for the the Apple iPad, Amazon Kindle Fire, Google Nexus 7 or Microsoft Surface .

Rumors, tablet from HTC will use the latest operating system from Google's Android 4.1 Jelly Bean. Until now there has been no official confirmation about the specifications or even the new HTC tablet product.

As released by, HTC has not had the luck when engaged in the tablet. Sales of tablet product less than the sales of smartphones such as the HTC One X which become tight competitor for Samsung, Apple and Motorola. Is HTC intentionally gambling with plan of this tablet? What do you think.


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