
Monday, March 18, 2013

Is Facebook Going to try Compete Twitter Using Hashtag?

Facebook reportedly to make improvements to search in index services. Mark Zuckerberg-owned company based in San Francisco is now preparing to present hashtag feature is identical to Twitter, Google+ and even Instagram. This icon is often used to link or post status updates to a particular topic. Wall Street Journal launched, March 15, 2013, Facebook is exploring whether to follow the footsteps of Twitter, which allows users to click a hashtag to see all the posts about the topic or event.

Facebook Plans related to the use of the hashtag is a marker of increased competition between Twitter and Facebook, in the case of mobile users and advertising hook. Facebook has recently adopted Twitter communication methods do. Social networking sites Menlo Park California native has made ​​the list of subscribers to the user, and allow to tag celebrity or brand with an @ sign.

In January, Facebook has also introduced a new search service called "Graph Search". This feature can perform search queries properly and give you the answer, so instead of giving link in search engines like Google. The users can also search with a more specific question. The system will automatically search for answers to that question from the billions of existing data in the database up, instead of somewhere else.

However, the feature is currently not allowed Facebook users to find and monitor the actual content of the conversation posted on Facebook by a particular topic. With the hashtag, Facebook seems to be able to provide such a search system. However, the feature is still in testing stage and have yet to be introduced in the near future, according to internal  Facebook's sources said Wall Street Journal reported recently. Responding to the news, Facebook reluctant to comment.


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