
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Revealed, Hundreds of Thousands iOS Applications "Zero Download"

Apple's online application store, according to a study, many inhabited by the application of "zombie" or applications that were never downloaded, does not have a rating, and are often not seen by users of the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. According to research firm tracking done Adeven mobile marketing, as many as two-thirds of the total applications in the App Store never downloaded and installed by the consumer.

Meanwhile, Adeven also noted, as many as 579.001 of a total of 888.856 applications are applications zombies.

"We can not say with certainty how many downloads they already can. Apple never reveals in detail. But we believe the numbers are very small," wrote Adeven in a statement.

According Adeven, because this zombie app does not get a lot of downloads, the maker is reluctant to further development.

The researchers surveyed Adeven for a year by the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project. The survey results showed that about 68 percent of smart phone owners only use five applications a week. Web developer Malcolm Barclay told the BBC, he was not surprised by the number of applications and the number of zombies are still fairly reasonable. According to him, some applications are not downloaded for a good reason, it could be because it's dangerous applications.

Director of applications development company CCS Insight, Paolo Pescatore, say, application developers did have visibility problems across all platforms, not just on the Apple platform. In the fifth Apple App Store Anniversary claims that 90 percent of the total applications have been downloaded at least once a month.

May 2013 data shows, there are 850,000 apps in the App Store, and around 350,000 apps optimized for the iPad. Apple claims applications in the Apple Store has been downloaded 50 billion times. The company said it had paid 10 billion dollars for application developers. The amount claimed is greater than Google Play Store, BlackBerry World, and Windows Phone Store.


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