
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The difficulty Apple Working on iWatch

They are awaiting the arrival of the smart watches iWatch from Apple seems to have to wait a bit longer before the gadget could be on the market. The reason, as reported by the Financial Times, Apple is rumored to have difficulty in developing iWatch so that forced to hire a new technician to expedite the process of the devices wearable device.

One source quoted by the Financial Times says that Apple stumble "difficult technical problems they can not solve." Apple iWatch can cancel the project, but the company was allegedly already invested a large amount of money and time in order to develop the smart watches.

It also identifies the importance of the device to Apple iWatch in the development trend of mobile gadgets have lately shown a tendency leads to the wearable devices. Previously, Apple had reportedly tried to patent the trademark "iWatch" through the patent office in Japan. Given these constraints, the new iWatch predicted to be present at the end of 2014.

On the other hand, Apple's rivals such as Samsung, LG, Microsoft, and Google also did not remain silent and is now in the process of developing a wearable devices respectively. During Apple's success with devices like the iPhone and iPad, among others, supported by the ability of Apple issuing innovative products ahead of competitors. In terms of smart watches, Apple may be the one who will be missed.


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